Thursday, May 5, 2011

John Wayne, Cactus, Mars, and stuffed pastries.

As of my last blog, I was stuck in Cacti land. It was very hot there, my cousin Little Mary’s temperature in the house dropped to 75 degrees and she turned on the heat. I figured she was insane! I was sweating. Musical couches continued, her brother, Joe came and picked me up and I helped him with some work on his father in-law’s porch enclosure project. I sweltered in the 86 degree weather, but enjoyed the work.
God works in mysterious ways, you see Joe’s daughter felt sorry for me J. So she was trying also to rent a vehicle for me, but ran into the same issue I did, credit cards. So she did the unexpected thing and lent me her husband’s blazer for the weekend. I burned some rubber until my body said, no more, I pulled off the road found a juniper tree in the high desert and slept. I was on the Navajo Reservation and I could not help to wonder to know more of my Navajo heritage. It was Sabbath morning when I woke to the most awesome sight. It was 26 degrees outside, the air was crisp and fresh. The sun was pouring in through the window and my groggy brain took a minute to join the world. When the fog in my head cleared and my eyes seeing straight it took my breath away. Its spring so the desert is relatively green, and in my location the shadows long in one of the most spectacular sunrises my eyes have seen. I unwittingly had pulled off in the most perfect location. I knew I was in or around the place, but didn’t realize exactly where. I was just a hair west of the spires and formations that make up Monument Valley! The sun was just behind them peeking around them. As I watched in climb, the shadows receeding, the green coming into sharper focus, I cried. Like a girl. God finds ways to show us His love, even when we are dealing with issues with Him. Oh and imagining Glen Ford filming a Army chasing Indians scene.
I made it home a few hours later. I quickly showered and met my wife and daughter down by the Colorado River as it wound its way through the Grand Valley. My daughter’s pathfinder club was geo caching there. The weather was perfect, some snow falling but not sticking at about 42 degrees. It was definitely nice to be off the truck and setting in my chair at the house. I was spoiled with fresh green chili and homemade tortillas. And on Sunday my wife made one of my favorite meals, Stuffed Sopapillas smothered in green chili. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. She even made some extra for me to take on the road. The set in the freezer awaiting the moments when I have to have a green chili fix.
But it was a shortly lived time L. Only 32 hours, I had to drive back to Phoenix, where we got a very very light load, 5000 lbs, going to Chi-Town (ok for those that live in Chi-Town, Des Plaines, which of course is no where close to being Chi-Town.) I have been with Prime INC for two months now, and for the first time, I had the opportunity to visit the main HQ terminal, beautiful place and great architecture of the buildings. But it was in the middle of the night and quiet except the mechanics in the shops. Took a shower and buzzed off to Chicago, I mean the Chicago Ohare airport area. Shockingly we pulled up to the delivery location and they unloaded us right away. Sales and Dispatch wasted no time getting us a Snickers (Mars Candy Co) load bound for California! That was simple, drop and hook operation and we were rolling. I crashed. Its always a pleasure to head west, even if I have to put up with the weird laws and government practices in Cali.
So my trainer drove us out of the windy city area, and I again sit in the middle of the night at Prime INC HQ. This time however the trailer shop snatched our trailer and is replacing the brakes and airlines, I await their pleasure, Lets Roll! 


  1. I love to read your writing. I can hear you. I miss you desperately, baby. I am so glad that you were home for a while. It wasn't long, but it was WELL spent! We treasure our time with you. Keep smiling because one day soon, you'll be here again. Maybe next time....tamales!

  2. Oh yeah. Me like some 'mawlees!
