Prime INC has to be the best company I have worked for yet, civilian and military. I had asked dispatch (my dispatcher is out of Salt Lake) if he could get us to Chicago after the Seattle load when I learned that Ray was getting close to departing. He agree to see what he could do. But the morning we stopped in the Salt Lake terminal, I learned that Ray did die early in the morning. My dear sweet daughter Cherokee was there and let us know right away. I went in and told my dispatcher, along with my trainer. They dropped the Seattle load, and assigned a load of Taters bound for Ohio, while my trainer dropped me off in Chi-town.
Today my feelings and thoughts are mixed as I remember the best father in law a man can ask for. Ray Corneils never did say a cross word to me, showed respect to me, encouraged me, and most of all believed in me. That is not a common thing in father in laws. But they are mixed cause I have not seen my wife and daughter Selena in over three weeks and eight months since I have seen my other two daughters Cherokee and Cheyenne as well as son, Wayne.
Attended his funeral, I have to admit I was jealous of the person they hired. They weren't sure if I would make it to officiate, so they hired a feller that barely new Ray.
In all I was able to say my departing sentiments to a remarkable man, a man who despite his struggle with cancer did not complain, but always sought a way to be the blessing.
When I would think of or read the text written by Micah nearly 3000 years ago, I see Ray in my minds eye. "He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8 New American Standard Bible Update 1995).
If I am half the man he was, I would be blessed a million times over.
Be a Blessing
Today my feelings and thoughts are mixed as I remember the best father in law a man can ask for. Ray Corneils never did say a cross word to me, showed respect to me, encouraged me, and most of all believed in me. That is not a common thing in father in laws. But they are mixed cause I have not seen my wife and daughter Selena in over three weeks and eight months since I have seen my other two daughters Cherokee and Cheyenne as well as son, Wayne.
Attended his funeral, I have to admit I was jealous of the person they hired. They weren't sure if I would make it to officiate, so they hired a feller that barely new Ray.
In all I was able to say my departing sentiments to a remarkable man, a man who despite his struggle with cancer did not complain, but always sought a way to be the blessing.
When I would think of or read the text written by Micah nearly 3000 years ago, I see Ray in my minds eye. "He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8 New American Standard Bible Update 1995).
If I am half the man he was, I would be blessed a million times over.
Be a Blessing
Oh he was the best example of Christ I ever knew. He loved you.